Exploring the experiences and challenges that God uses to work together for good and make our lives extraordinary and purposeful on a daily basis.
The Bible is designed to help us understand Him. Then when God starts to act in your life, you will recognize that it's Him...Accept the invitation!
Are you in?!?
Change is necessary...You cannot stay who you are and join Him.
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Without careful discernment you will not be alert to effects the world has on you. One area is hard enough to maintain, as godly women we need to maintain ALL of them (and that of our young'uns).
Trouble with math??
Here's a simple trick for learning the 9's times table:
9 times table tricks
The Great Mind Clean-Out!!
Challenge 3 will be easier for some than others. Parts of it will take no time at all, but some parts may take a lot of time. It all depends how many bad habits, my dear reader, that you have! And, since we are dealing with your MIND you are the only one who knows what's really in there.
Take a moment and read on to see if you are hiding any "dirty laundry" or "out-of-style" behaviors in the closet of your mind....
Colossians 3:2 and 5 tells us:
"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things...
Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly
nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. "
You may take a quick glance and think you've got no worries, but let's dig a little deeper and see if there are areas that need addressing...
Matthew 15:11
"It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man."
The trouble is what happens after it enters you, gets processed and comes out. That is is what Paul is warning us about. But we all know that what we hear and see stays with us, good or bad, and it is up to us as PROVERBS 31 WOMEN to guard what is in front of our eyes and ears and that of our families.
Everything that goes into through the eyes or ears runs through the same simple process...it all starts with...
1. What goes into the mind - via books, TV, radio, Internet, talking with others
2. What is within the mind - What you meditate on, think about, dwell on
3. What comes out of the mind - your attitude, conduct, demeanor and of coarse, the words you speak
Your CHALLENGE today and for the better part of this week is to look at what is around you, and take note of what influences your decisions for TV, radio, Internet, books, magazines. What are your family members devoting their time to???
*Do you read romance novels or watch afternoon (or evening) dramas and soap operas?
*Do you spend huge amounts of time building relationships on-line that are not with Christians?
*Do you read magazines that promote idolatry of money and fame?
*Do you enjoy "reality shows" that use profanity, encourage hateful behavior, and gossip...and promote cheering for someone to get "fired", all for ratings?
*Do you watch shows that promote a "view" point that is not Christian?
*Do you listen to music that has profanity, violence, or bad behavior promoted through out it?
If you find that you have slipped in some of these areas, don't be too hard on yourself.