Thursday, June 25, 2009

Experiencing God...Days 4, 5

I am going to combine Days 4 and 5 today because the workbook uses it in 2 parts and because I cannot post tomorrow. I am extremely busy today (trying to buy a house! packing for vaca! running daycare! managing family!- deep breath, exhale) but I wanted to get this posted for you:)

God called Moses, He invited him to join Him...

When God is about to do something, He reveals it to His people. He wants to accomplish His work through His people. When He's about to do something through you, He need to get you from where you are to where He is - NOT the other way around - so He tells you what He's doing ... Join Him

The Bible is designed to help us understand Him. Then when God starts to act in your life, you will recognize that it's Him...Accept the invitation!

Are you in?!?

Change is necessary...You cannot stay who you are and join Him.

God uses the insignificant to accomplish SIGNIFICANT things...think Moses, Elijah, Mary, the boy with the fish and goes on and on....
Do you feel weak, limited, or're just right for the job. You see God's standards are not our standards! He doesn't look at what we can accomplish FOR Him, He looks at what He can accomplish THROUGH us!

"When you believe nothing significant can happen through you, you have said more about your belief in God than you have declared about yourself." --Blackaby

You see, my dear sisters--- You are not being humble you are being disrespectful and unbelieving! Yikes!!

Bet you didn't see that one coming!! I sure didn't when I read it.

Father, Thank you for revealing to me what You are about to do. I accept your invitation to join You where You are. I realize I can't stay where I am and go with You and I know You can do anything with an ordinary person who is consecrated to You. Here I am!...I am so thankful Your standards are different from the world's. I wholly yield to Your invitation to be pleasing to You even if it means being insignificant in the eye's of the world. Amen.
Many blessings to you all--Beth

Please visit Proverbs31 Wisdom

1 comment:

::Traci:: said...

This is an amazing, insightful post.

Thank you so much for visiting our blog and for your encouragement.

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