Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 4 - TOP 10 Be On GUARD!

Are you living---

Day 1 - Godly vs. Gaudy

Day 2 - The Great Closet Clean-Out

Day 3 - The Great MIND Clean-Out

Romans 12:1,2 gives us sure guidelines to what should enter our bodies...

1 "...by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

Here are 10 things you can fix right now that will increase modesty in your walk today-I could blog a week on each of these.....

  1. Guard your wallet. When it comes to purchases watch out for excessive purchases of makeup, hair products, etc. Who are you impressing??

  2. Guard your mirror. Would you wear that outfit at the gates of Heaven? Would you wear that wedding dress to be married to Jesus?

  3. Guard your coffee table. Throw out any magazines whose main focus is on celebrities, gossip, sex, or all-about-me articles.

  4. Guard your TV. Turn off TV shows you would not watch if Jesus was sitting next to you (because He is).

  5. Guard your personal reading time. Toss all fantasy and romance novels, even Christian ones that motivate you to daydream and covet another's life.

  6. Guard your computer. Stop visiting and Delete any Internet sites in your favorites that are not godly or promote ungodly behavior.

  7. Guard your relationships. Stop building relationships on-line and off-line that take you away from your family duties. It's fine to comment or discuss with a nice group or on blogs or join a pray group, but it should not provide an 'escape' from your daily life or encourage ungodly behavior like gossip, nagging spouses, or coveting.

  8. Guard your thoughts. That means staying busy! Idle hands definitely the devil's tool.

  9. Guard your mouth. Watch what you say. That doesn't just mean gossip, it means foul language and ungodly topics, laughing at jokes made in poor humor, and forwarding ungodly e-mails to un-believing friends.

  10. Guard your heart. That means renewing your mind constantly and without ceasing. This can only be accomplished on way - by being IN THE WORD every day!

    An immodest mind shows a heart willing to flirt with the world.

Without careful discernment you will not be alert to effects the world has on you. One area is hard enough to maintain, as godly women we need to maintain ALL of them (and that of our young'uns).

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 reminds us of some very important things:

19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Who are you honoring??

Thanks for stopping by. I hope today's message has been encouraging to you. Please feel free to comment and tell me how God has been working in your life and if you have found new changes to gain modesty.

Waiting at the door---Elizabeth

A little something extra....

Trouble with math??
Here's a simple trick for learning the 9's times table:

9 times table tricks


Muthering Heights said...

Great list! The "guard you wallet" item is not one that many people discuss. Thank you for putting that out there!

Wisdom for Today said...

Blogging is so great! We get to share ideas and keep it real for each other! Thanks for the comment:)

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