I am so excited to share my walk through :
Experiencing God
with you. I hope it will encourage you to begin your own study. The materials are not too expensive and you don't have to have a small group. We can group and share right here.
Let's begin---The study is broken into 12 units with 5 days study for each unit. I am not planning on doing a study every day but will try to do 5 each week as time and spirit allow.
The first unit is -- "God's Will and Your life"
I am not the best at memorizing but I can do it with His help. So, I find it works best for me to focus on key words and then memorize it in pieces using those key words to anchor it all together.
Memory Verse:
John 15:5
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
Day 1--Jesus is your way
Blackaby notes that Real Christianity is ...a relationship with a Person. We are to pursue an intimate love relationship with God.
Step 1 - A relationship with Jesus. Now is the time to commit yourself to Jesus and accept him as your Savior. If you are not sure how to do this please click the big, RED ready button on my side-bar.
This is the first step because Spiritual matters can only be understood by those who have the Spirit of Christ. If you are not filled with the Spirit, none of this will make any sense to you.
As John 14:26 tells us the Holy Spirit will be your personal teacher!
The 7 goals of this course are:
1. Hear when God speaks to you
2. Clearly identify His activity i your life
3. Believe Him to be and do everything He promised
4. Adjust your beliefs, character, and behavior to Him and His ways
5. Recognize a direction he is taking in your life and identify what He wants to do through your life
6. Clearly know what you need to do in response to His activity in your life.
7. Experience God doing through you what only He can do!
How exciting is that!!!
Finally let's concentrate on what I found to be the most inspiring part of today's activity and that was that Jesus is the MAP!
He knows all the paths that lead to a certain destination in our lives. You don't need the map or the GPS (stop being a backseat driver!)
You just need to trust that He knows the way and to TURN when He tells you to - no questions asked!
You can probably already guess one of the key versus for today:
John 14:6 "I am the way and the truth and the life."
When you don't trust in Him to guide you at every step, you will have fear and worry over each and every decision you have to make.
We need to focus on "What does God want me to do TODAY?" Not tomorrow or next week. I think a lot of us spend way too much time worrying about tomorrow when we are totally lost about today.
Our goal should be to follow God day by day so He will keep you in the center of His will.
Claim this verse today:
Phil 2:13
"It is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose"
Father, I know if I follow you I can be in the center of Your will. Please make that a priority for me and help me to stop looking for the big map and just turn when I'm told to. Thank you for providing the Way and help me to know what you want me to do TODAY. All for Your glory...Amen
Thanks for stopping by--- Elizabeth
Thanks so much for deciding to follow my blog... what a blessing!! I enjoy reading all your insights and it's so wonderful to see Jesus in all you write! Be Blessed!!
Thanks, I enjoy yours too.
It's been so many years since my husband and I did Experiencing God with a small group from church. I remember the people we went through the study with, although we have all moved away and two of them are no longer living. It was such a good study and good experience with that group of people.
Thanks for prompting the precious memories with Christian friends. I hope you enjoy the study.
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