Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Experiencing God...Day 3

Learning to Be a Servant of God

The servant by worldly means is merely one who finds out what the master wants and does it. A lot of people think that's the godly definition, too.

Think again...

A Servant by godly definition is one who God works THROUGH for a purpose.

To be a servant of God, you must first be moldable, and be RESPONSIVE to the Master.

And, secondly, you must REMAIN in the Potter's hands. Even though the Potter has stopped making the pot, it still can do nothing on its own.

An effective servant will:

--Relate to God

-----Respond to Him

-----------Adjust his life to Him so that he can do what he wants to do through your life!

Father, You are the Great Potter and I am the lowly clay. I want to be molded by you and remain in your hands for you to work through. Help me relate to You, respond to You, and adjust my life to You so You can do what You want through me. I don't want to just do something, I am standing here for You! Amen

Thanks for stopping by---Elizabeth

1 comment:

GranthamLynn said...

What a great post. I love the photo illustrations.
Thanks for visiting me today and joining us in prayer for Debra.
Have a Blessed evening,

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