Today we work on that LOVE Relationship...
God created you for eternity. The time - your lifetime on earth - is for you to grow your relationship with Him.
What can you do right now, today, to grow that relationship?
Make a list of how you spend you time, then divide it up as time that works towards the Eternal and time that is just Passing Away.
Some of the things can be really easy, like time with kids, husband, homeschooling, church groups. But, dear reader, I caution you... Take a deeper look at these times and what you're doing within that time. Is the mom's meeting a time of praise to God or is it a time to complain and sympathize with other women. Is that homeschool time used to homeschool or to meet with play groups for your enjoyment.
I don't mean to get on people's cases, I'm just trying to encourage other's out there that there is more...More to your relationship with God, more to the growth of the love and time with family, and much, much more to the life you will lead for Kingdom.
I welcome any disagreement or comments on this topic and hope that it will help us all to examine the use of this earthly time as a building block to the relationship we all strive for in the Kingdom!
Father, to be loved by you is my highest calling. Help me live a life worthy of my calling based on eternity as your created me. Help me to let my present be shaped by my future and not my past. I want o make sure I am investing time in things that are eternal and not passing away. i know only you can guide me to incest this time in worthwhile ways to Your Glory. Amen
Excellent prayer. AMEN.
And a special thank you for reading my post on Laced with Grace.
Enjoy HIS presence today!
Great insights and suggestions!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Blessings, Laurie
I love it!
and I love that you are not afraid to be BOLD and REAL with your suggestions- Thank You! I look forward to returning to visit again soon :)
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