A few thoughts today on my Experiencing God "experience"
I am thrilled to say I am focusing on Him more than me these days. I always thought that's what I was doing, but lately, I'm not so sure....
I always put other's first but I'm learning that I may be doing that in order to ignore the changes I need to make to myself...Does that make sense??
I think sometimes it's more selfish to constantly be working to serve other's when you know God wants you to work on yourself. A while ago I blogged on "Spiritual Gifts" and I must say the Lord has really been putting this on my heart lately. Christians have all the gifts in them, they are just to be used at different times in your walk.
The "Experiencing God" series has taught me that the Holy Spirit is the gift. The Holy Spirit is an actual 'piece of God' that is in me - WOW! That is AWESOME!
That being said, I must not have only one spiritual gift, I must have the whole multitude of heaven's gifts at my fingertips! Simply put, I must align my thoughts with God's, find where He is working, pray for my role in it, and use the particular Spiritual Gifts necessary to accomplish His purpose. He will equip me for what is necessary to complete His task. We think so small sometimes!
We need to think only of the purpose and the Purposer. If it is God's purpose He will give us all we need.
Don't try to align His will to your desires and then call it a blessing....pray for the discernment to be guided. If you are a saved Christian, you have the gift and it is just what you need.
God said "I AM that I AM" (Exodus 3:14) - meaning He is all and everything you need or could possibly need at any given time. A piece of this I AM is given to you when you accept Christ as your personal Savior. Therefore everything you could ever need to accomplish God's will is actually there ready to be used for His Glory! GOD is so COOL! We can at any time ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and help us understand it all. That's what He does....
So much to take in, I would love to hear any comments you have on this subject.
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