Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Experiencing God...Day 6

Looking to God....

"Some trust in chariots,
and some in horses,
But we trust in the name of the Lord our GOD"

I am constantly amazed at the love and patience of our Father!
We, being the self-centered, sinful beings that we are, have to constantly remind ourselves that it's not all about us....or about what we can do for Him. We can do NOTHING for Him.

I am not just talking about what can I do for God today. That sounds prideful, like you're doing Him a favor.

I am talking about: How can I position myself to be present in God's activity and accept His invitation to work THROUGH me.

That being said, I am focusing on:

* God's purposes - not my own, or my own thoughts of how He should work through me.

* I must seek His perspective rather than from my own distorted human outlook.

* I must wait until He shows me what He is about to do through me.

* I must watch to see what He is doing around me and join HIM.

Father, I pray to pursue your purposes and not my own. I pray to focus on You and not on my self. I pray to see what you are doing and be willing to join you without hesitation. I thank you for your never-ending patience with me. Amen.

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