Monday, February 24, 2014

Rest in Him.

Sit quietly in His Presence and let Him bless you.
Make up your mind that you will not wear yourself out trying to make things happen or take any negativity to heart. Let Him be sufficient for the challenges this day presents.

Keep looking to Him and keep in constant communication with Him, ready to receive whatever thoughts He may make available to you.
Walk together today with Him. Take time to rest in His sufficiency, knowing He is enough. Let the comments and attitudes of others roll off you while you bathe in His amazing Presence.

Don't spend even one minute worrying about whether or not you can handle the pressures before you. Keep looking to Him until the Peace enters your heart again.
One word - Jesus -  so simple, yet so powerful. Just the sound of His name will put things back in focus, and bring on His Perfect Peace. There is always time for one word. That One Word.

When you feel the rush of the world you forget who you are and whose you are! That simple word - Jesus - brings it all back into focus. 

Praying for His 20/20 vision for all of you.

Remember the evil one is only getting so busy with you because God is going to do amazing things with you!

Know that every hurdle you jump, every wall you climb is that much more powerful since you're holding His hand!

You will not be shaken!
John 16:33
"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. 
In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer,
I have overcome the world.”

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