Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What's on your "To Do" List ?

I just love uplifting words from other believers - who needs affirmation when you have such awesome prayer sisters! God is using us in amazing ways to encourage each other.

I think the coolest thing about being in a prayer group of ladies is that no matter how messed up you think you are they welcome you right in and let you know they're messed up too. ---Not feeling quite so messy when you can share it. The evil one wants us all to think we are the only messed-up ones and there is no hope... we constantly have to assure ourselves of our worth in Christ and that is all that matters. He shed His blood that we will be FREE not constantly reminded how worthless we are....

We know the Truth and it has set us FREE! (John 8:32)

We are not worthless but are His Masterpieces! (Eph 2:10). 

Use His Word like a sword to defend yourself that's why it's there! (Eph 6)

Also, prayer sisters inspire eachother to get off your butt and get busy with evangelizing... sometimes I get lazy and that energy is just what is needed.

 My verse this year is: "Whatever He says to you, do it" John 2:5... 

--that's a HUGE command, one that deserves our daily recognition -  how much more encouragement do you need after hearing that?

So I've made a list titled: 

Whatever He says to you, do it

 and every time I feel the Lord leading me to minister to someone, send a card, call, evangelize, write, I add it to that list. It's really the only list I keep that actually matters. 

For years I have had a standard to-do list that keeps me task-oriented. It works well for me. But now I have the most awesome to-do list because it STARTS with the Kingdom! Every time I look at it I am given the opportunity to do something amazing.  It puts a lot more purpose and power behind my actions too. 

His Power, 
       His Purpose, 
               His Glory 

                        - that which He leads--- He will equip you!

Do something awesome today for the Kingdom!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Rest in Him.

Sit quietly in His Presence and let Him bless you.
Make up your mind that you will not wear yourself out trying to make things happen or take any negativity to heart. Let Him be sufficient for the challenges this day presents.

Keep looking to Him and keep in constant communication with Him, ready to receive whatever thoughts He may make available to you.
Walk together today with Him. Take time to rest in His sufficiency, knowing He is enough. Let the comments and attitudes of others roll off you while you bathe in His amazing Presence.

Don't spend even one minute worrying about whether or not you can handle the pressures before you. Keep looking to Him until the Peace enters your heart again.
One word - Jesus -  so simple, yet so powerful. Just the sound of His name will put things back in focus, and bring on His Perfect Peace. There is always time for one word. That One Word.

When you feel the rush of the world you forget who you are and whose you are! That simple word - Jesus - brings it all back into focus. 

Praying for His 20/20 vision for all of you.

Remember the evil one is only getting so busy with you because God is going to do amazing things with you!

Know that every hurdle you jump, every wall you climb is that much more powerful since you're holding His hand!

You will not be shaken!
John 16:33
"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. 
In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer,
I have overcome the world.”

Friday, February 21, 2014

 Practicing Thanksgiving

It's been over a year now with heart being held wide open with thankfulness. 

Started last year with eucharisteo - 1000 Gifts by A.V. The counting of God's blessings brings amazing comfort - makes praise so automatic... now also seeing thanksgiving repeated in devotions, readings - it opens access to God.  Opens the big doors, light shining all around the corners - saying 'open me.' Think 10 lepers healed by Jesus but only one came back to thank Him.. He was the only one who received Him, received access, received Salvation... 

We can give thanks abundantly when our hearts are grateful. It grows because when recognized, written down, the list grows: 3, 6, 9...300, 600, 900 - the meer sight of it overwhelms us and the overflowing goodness of God overthrows anything we could possibly remember on our own. 

Practicing the memory of it. Releasing the good in all His goodness, so we can see it, touch it, and make it tangible. We try to see it... make it earthly, something we can hold onto when good seems so far lost, when aches are hurting and the eucharisteo is more forced than favored... we can grab the book, the journal of thanks and hold it in our hands....tears can  be thanks, we can yell the thanks, but the writing...that's where it gets real....that's where it's in black and white and when all else is worn, and tired...the words are bold and brilliant with His glory. 

Thank you for.....
a snowflake, a baby's smile, a healing miracle....all are glimpses of His glory and to be readily praised! There is nothing too small to be praised and nothing too big for Him to handle.

A never-ending song, a poem of profession, of Jesus-love spilling over into every area of your temporary life, making a praise-ladened path to your eternal life. A sweet bridge of thanksgiving and praise from earth to heaven.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What if:

What if:  you set aside your preconceived notions and thought about nothing but Him for 5 minutes.
Could you do it?

Draw near to God and He will Draw near to you! - James 4:8

During His time on earth Jesus healed, He taught, He fed.... but there were the few, the quiet ones, in the background who were just there to be in His Presence. We are created in the image of a masterful Creator who longs for us to want nothing more from Him than to dwell in His Presence. The Creator of Love and Grace wants to draw near to His beloved and grace-begotten children.

Think John 1:14 "The Word became flesh [just to] dwell among us..."

Can you even get your mind around that one phrase. He came to dwell. among. us.

Sometimes I don't even want to dwell among myself --but the Creator of the Universe wants to dwell with me. Wow, that just blows my mind.

Dwell in His Presence today, just for a bit and it might just blow your mind!
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