Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Confident Peace

Psalm 21:1 
In You, O LORD, I put my trust.

Learn to hide in the secret of His presence. Sarah Young in Jesus Calling brought this phrase to my heart today. Think about it, meditate on it for a minute, let it sink in.....

Learn to hide in the secret of His presence.
 As Christians we have the pleasure ----make that the privilege-- to hide in the arms of our Father. 
I can remember times when my kids would run up to me and hide their face in my lap. They felt safety knowing my arms were around them. Their faces hid in my lap, covering them from what ever was bringing them fear. 
You have that privilege as a Christian. To run to the Father anytime, 
bury your head in His Holy lap and know He will protect you. You are safe, feel His arms around you and know that:
He is both with you, and
      Within you.

In Him you may have confident peace. That is what I wish for you today, dear reader. That you may have CONFIDENT Peace in Him who loves you more than you know.
Come to His lap, lay down your head, and rest in that Confident Peace.

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