Not only is this a great way to use the cruddy, old trash can. It can be used annually for it. Year after year, remembering the great grace of our Lord as you reap the rewards of gardening. Include the whole family - after all it will take at least 3 of you to actually dump the can when the time comes!
If you read often, or have looked at my other blogs, you will notice I love to cook and garden. It's really something to grow stuff and then be able to eat it. I am in awe of this. So, when I saw this idea from Heavenly Homemakers, I knew I just had to do it. This is a container garden in a whole new direction---move over topsy- turvy hanging tomatoes!
You actually beat up your container a little more , add some holes, dirt, and seed potatoes and you've got mashed potatoes galore. (Yes, there is definitely another day's blog......)
Anyway, here are the complete directions: love to hear if anyone else tries it - I will include pictures as it grows!
Lately the 3 blogs have been too much for me to handle so I am concentrating mainly on this one and adding whatever the Lord puts on my mind for that day. However, I will also still share recipes and garden on my other blog: Proverbs31 Cooking
May you be blessing in all you do today--T